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Real estate is what we are, not just what we do.

Streamline mortgage servicing and compliance with GPS

Our innovative mortgage process outsourcing solutions offer rapid implementation, flexible mortgage loan processing support services, and delivery excellence

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As a leading provider of call center outsourcing services, we recognize that every interaction extends beyond mere issue resolution or sales completion; it holds the potential to establish a meaningful connection. This is precisely where our adept agents excel, contributing to your brand’s success by cultivating devoted followers. At GPS, we understand that businesses have diverse needs and must be able to adapt to a rapidly changing market. That’s why we offer flexible business models that can be tailored to your unique requirements. 

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GPS Services is a top-ranked Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firm that specializes in the Mortgage Industry and has made Mortgage Process Outsourcing a specialty. As one of the preeminent global Mortgage Outsourcing Solutions, our Outsourced Mortgage Consultants can take the following high-volume, expensive, and time-consuming tasks off your plate:

Why Outsource The Mortgage Process?

outsourcing a company's backend mortgage process provides cost savings, access to specialized expertise, scalability, faster turnaround times, risk mitigation, compliance, and the ability to focus on core competencies. It allows the company to optimize efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver a seamless mortgage experience to its customers.

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Types Of Services We Offer For Mortgage BPO

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  • Mortgage Loan Processing

  • Mortgage Appraisal

  • Mortgage Closing Services

  • Mortgage Post Closing

  • Mortgage Underwriting Services

  • Mortgage Title Services

Our Mortgage BPO Process

Why GPS Services?

A GPS Services Contract Mortgage Processing team has the latest tech and IT practices available. That means constant hardware and software upgrades, migration to the latest servers, world-wide access, cloud services, continuing maintenance, and full support for your in-house staff. And while the service is outsourced, we have 24/7 Customer Support, all the information is available to you anytime day or night.

  • Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction scores that are off the chart! BPOs have been engaged in customer service related functions for years, and it all started with building customer trust and confidence. Our Loan Processing Services engage in constant training in customer relation practices with their representatives, so your hard-won customers will stay happy with your services.

  • Focus on core Business

Let your core staff do the things they do best. Let your key players do their thing. Let Our Experienced Professionals do everything else.

  • Latest technology

Outsourced Third Party Mortgage Processing Services can deliver access to the latest in big data analytics, which in turn gives your firm the ability to use up to the minute information about pricing models, optimum number of loans to have outstanding, loss mitigation & best practices. Big data can allow your business decisions to be the best informed possible.

  • Data Security

In this age of the Hacker, the choice to Outsourced Mortgage Processing can offer the Latest Technology and cutting edge security practices that will keep your information safe and private. It seems every day the headlines are filled with news of a new data breach. GPS Services has never had a data breach, never lost any information, and never suffered a devastating server crash. Since it’s vital that all your data will be backed up and secure, this is crucial factor.

  • Transparent services

When you Outsourced Loan Processing Services, you’ll be profiting from a professional operation delivering on time and on budget. We don’t just offer Employment Verification and Verification of Documents for your clients, we offer you clear documentation of our performance. We’re completely transparent so you know exactly what kind of job we’re doing.

  • Saving in Overhead

Cut that overhead. We will provide a professional, highly trained staff ready to go. At a fraction of your current cost. This can mean huge savings in overhead.

  • Small as well as Big Organization

No matter what size your business, Third Party Mortgage Processing can help you become more profitable. Often new customers will start a conversation with: “my operation isn’t large enough to outsourced these services”. Actually, you’re probably just the right size to benefit from GPS Services scalable abilities. Small Bank or Realty firm, Multi-National Lender or Independent Broker, you’ll be a good fit.

GPS Services leads the industry incompetence and transparency. Our experienced professionals offer high-confidence accuracy, superb data security, quick processing times, efficiency and flexibility at a cost we think you will find amazing.

We’ve thrived in the Mortgage Services sector and we can bring that expertise to your operation today!

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